Get survey list

Interface URL:
Parameter Name Type Description Required
app_id String Supplier website app ID. Y
per_page Integer How many pieces of data per page. N
current_page Integer Current page, default to 1. N


Parameter Name Type Description
code Integer Success when code is 0
msg String Additional messages.
data Object data.
data.rows Array Survey List Details. Integer Total number of available surveys.
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": {
        "rows": [{
            "id": 65428,
            "created_at": "2024-01-16T08:52:02.000000Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-16T08:52:02.000000Z",
            "title": "Let us know what you think",
            "survey_channel": "Yoursurveys",
            "country": "AU",
            "cpi": "0.33",
            "ir": 79,
            "loi": 14,
            "quota": 440,
            "url": "[click_id]&unique_user_id=[unique_user_id]",
            "status": 0,
            "weight": 0
        "total": 1334

Server to server postback

URL example:
Parameter Name Type Description Required
app_id String Supplier website app ID. Y
click_id String The click_id parameter is used to track session ID, or some other tracking value.
This will contain the value forwarded by suppliers as &click_id= in the entry link
suppliers_payout String Survey payout of original respondent entry. Y
reward_value String The reward value of suppliers website users is converted from configuration. Y
transaction_id String Unique transaction id; always unique for each transaction Y
transaction_timestamp String The UNIX timestamp of the transaction Y
unique_user_id String A unique user ID assigned to the user by the suppliers. It should be unique for each user.
The unique_user_id may contain alphanumeric characters only, no special characters except underscore(), dash (-), and at sign (@). There is a 128 character limit.
status Integer 1 - Completes
2 - Tentative
3 - Over Quota
4 - Disqualified
signature_hmac_sha String sha256 hmac hash of the full URL
PHP: (Before hash_hmac Sort parameters in Standard ASCII)
$params = $_POST;
$Secretkey = 'xxxxxxxxx'; // Supplier website Secretkey
$signature_hmac_sha = $params['signature_hmac_sha']; // Verify with this parameter later
unset($params['signature_hmac_sha']); // unset This parameter
Ksort($params); // Standard ASCII sorting
$str = http_build_query($params);
$hmac = hash_hmac('md5',$str, $Secretkey);
if ($signature_hmac_sha === $hmac) { /*...*/ }